2024-5 GBP £450,000 Evaluation of UKHSA IHR Strengthening Project, UKHSA/FCDO (Co-PI)
2022-29 CAD$2,499,993, Governing the global antimicrobial commons in a sustainable, acceptable, fair and effective (SAFE) manner Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada) (Co-investigator)
2022-3 EUR 89,000, Gender in Animal Health Emergencies, World Organisation on Animal Health (WOAH). Principal Investigator
2022-4 AUS230329, The politics of expertise during COVID-19. Australian Research Council (ARC) (co-investigator)
2021, EUR 20.104,00, Health in Foreign Policy: A new Treaty on Pandemics – Key to (re)build trust in international cooperation? EUR 20.104,00, German Federal Foreign Office. Co -Principal Invetisgator (with Maike Voss & Mark Eccleston-Turner)
2020-2022, USD$1,638,614 COVID-19 Gendered risks, impact & response: research and policy guidance, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Co-Principal Investigator (with Julia Smith, Karen Grepin and Rosemary Morgan)
2020-2022, CAD$495,898 Understanding and mitigating real-time differential gendered effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Co-Principal-Investigator (with Julia Smith)
2021. £64,000 Scoping review for a pan-African research funding organization. APHRC. Principal Investigator
2020-2023 PERISCOPE: Pan-European Response to the Impacts of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics. Co-Investigator
2020 – 2022, USD$100,000 Gender norms in vector control programme, Grand Challenges Grant, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Principal-Investigator
2020 - £20,000 A Scorecard to Inform Policy: Assessing Risk and Ensuring Reproductive Rights During COVID-19, LSE Small Grant Application, Co-Principal Investigator (with Liana Woskie)
2020-1, £180,623 Strengthening health science research in Africa – a regional analysis Wellcome Trust 2020-2021 Co-Principal Investigator (with Justin Parkhurst)
2019-20 - £9,980, Access to (pandemic) medicines in the Cuban health security framework, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Principal-Investigator
2018-9 - £1,500, LSE Teaching, Learning and Development Grant for Curriculum Development
2019 - £2,000 Santander Grant for collaboration with Fiocruz, Brazil
2018-9 - £9,935 Global Health Security and Public Policy, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Co-Investigator
2018-9 – £99, 990 Zika and the Regulation of Health Emergencies: Medical Abortion in Brazil, Colombia and El Salvador, Wellcome Trust, Principal-Investigator
2018-20 - £478,014 Building the case for Investment in Health Science Research in Africa, Wellcome Trust, Co-Principal-Investigator (with Justin Parkhurst)
2014-5 - AUS$25,144 Evaluating the effectiveness and challenges of civil-military cooperation for responding to complex health emergencies, Marie Bashir Institute, University of Sydney, Co-Investigator
2014 - £3,514 Nuffield Council for Bioethics / Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology Academic Fellowship
2011-2014 - £55, 827Aberystwyth Postgraduate Research Scholarship