Woskie, L., & Wenham, C. (2024). Shifting overseas development assistance during COVID-19: earmarking, donor concentration & loans. BMJ Global Health.(Accepted, forthcoming)
Lal, A., Parkhurst, J., & Wenham, C. (2024). (Re) constructing global health security and universal health coverage: norm contestation and interaction. International Affairs. (Accepted, forthcoming)
Carlin, E., Standley, C. E., Hardy, E., Donachie, D., Brand, T., Greve, L., ... & Wenham, C. (2024). Animal health emergencies: a gender-based analysis for planning and policy. Frontiers in veterinary science, 11, 1350256.
Wenham C. Stout L (2024) A legal mapping of 48 WHO member states' inclusion of public health emergency of international concern, pandemic, and health emergency terminology within national emergency legislation in responding to health emergencies. The Lancet.
Wenham C. (2024) Forum Shifting in Global Health Security. Bulletin of the World Health Organization; Article ID: BLT.2023.290480
Smith, J., & Wenham, C. (2024). Gender and global health governance. In A Research Agenda for Gender and Health (pp. 167-188). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Fischer, HT, Müller, K, Wenham, C and Hanefeld, J (2023) Policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in West Africa: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 13 (12). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-079810
Kavanagh, M.M., Wenham, C., da Fonseca, E.M., Helfer, L.R., Nyukuri, E., Maleche, A., Halabi, S.F., Radhakrishnan, A. and Waris, A., (2023). Increasing compliance with international pandemic law: international relations and new global health agreements. The Lancet.
Mueller, V., Grepin, K., Rabbani, A., Ngunjiri, A, Oyekunle, A., Wenham, C. (2023) Domestic Burdens Amid COVID-19, and women’s mental health in Middle-Income Africa. Feminist Economics. 29:2, 192-218 DOI: 10.1080/13545701.2023.2174566
Wenham, C. Busby J, Youde, J & Herten-Crabb A, (2023) From Imperialism to the Golden Age to the Great Lockdown: The Politics of Global Health Governance. Annual Review of Political Science. 26: 20 1-20
Kabir SS, Chowdhury A, Smith J, Morgan R, Wenham C, Rashid SF. (2023) A Social Cure for COVID-19: Importance of Networks in Combatting Socio-Economic and Emotional Health Challenges in Informal Settlements in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(3):127.
Davies S & Wenham C, Feminist Governance in Global Health, in Sawer M, Banaszak, L, True, J & Kantola J (eds), (2023) Handbook of Feminist Governance. Edward Elgar, pp. 216-226
Kuhlmann, E., Lotta, G., Fernandez, M., Herten-Crabb, A., Fehr, L. M., Maple, J. L., ... Wenham C & Willis, K. (2023). SDG5 Gender Equality and the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid assessment of health system responses in selected upper-middle and high-income countries. Front. Public Health, 11: 2023
Smith, J., Davies, S.E., Grépin, K.A., Harman, S., Herten-Crabb, A., Murage, A., Morgan, R. and Wenham, C., 2022. Reconceptualizing successful pandemic preparedness and response: A feminist perspective Social Science and Medicine, p.115511.
Hedquist, A., Jones, C.M., Mijumbi, R.M., Sobngwi-Tambekou, J., Parkhurst, J. and Wenham, C., 2022. Mapping regional cooperation of state actors for health research systems in Africa: A social network analysis. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(10), p.e0001142.
Tomsick E, Smith J, Wenham C (2022) A gendered content analysis of the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 guidance and policies. PLOS Glob Public Health 2(6): e0000640.
Wenham, C., Eccleston-Turner, M, Voss, M., (2022) The futility of the pandemic treaty: between globalism and statism. International Affairs
Gan CCR, Feng S, Feng H…. Wenham C. #WuhanDiary and #WuhanLockdown: gendered posting patterns and behaviours on Weibo during the COVID-19 pandemic BMJ Global Health 2022;7:e008149.
Jones CM, Sobngwi-Tambekou J, Mijumbi R, Hedquist A, Wenham C, Parkhurst J (2022) The roles of regional organisations in strengthening health research systems in Africa: activities, gaps, and future perspectives, International Journal of Health Policy and Management
Araúz Reyes, Wenham C, Rueda Borrero C, Meneses D (2022) Una balanza desigual: los trabajos de las mujeres en tiempos de COVID-19, el caso de Panamá, Debate Feminista
Wenham, C., Arauz-Reyes, N. Meneses-Sala, D. Rueda-Borrero, C. (2022) Explicitly Sexing Health Security: Analysing the downstream effects of Panama’s sex-segregated COVID-19 disease control policy. Health Policy and Planning
Harman, S., & Wenham, C. (2022). The UN Security Council and gender in health emergencies: what comes next?. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 76(1), 22-26.
De Menezes Silva, A, Santos Nunes, A, Pimenta, D, Lotta, G. Nkya, T, Martins Krieger, M, Schall, B & Wenham, C. (2022) Examining the Intersection between Gender, Community Health Workers and Vector Control Policies: A Text Mining Literature Review. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. ISSN 0002-9637
Wenham, C., Wouters, O., Jones, C., Juma, P. A., Mijumbi-Deve, R. M., Sobngwi-Tambekou, J. L., & Parkhurst, J. (2021). Measuring health science research and development in Africa: mapping the available data. Health Research Policy and Systems, 19(1), 1-13.
Morgan, R., Davies, S. E., Feng, H., Gan, C. C., Grépin, K. A., Harman, S., ... & Wenham, C. (2021). Using Gender Analysis Matrixes to Integrate a Gender Lens Into Infectious Diseases Outbreaks Research. Health Policy and Planning. czab149
Wenham, C., Fernandez, M., Pimenta DN, Rocha, M., Schall, B., Lotta G. (2021) Gender and Race on the frontline: experiences of health workers in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Politics.
Juma, P.A., Jones, C.M., Mijumbi-Deve, R… Wenham C. et al. Governance of health research in four eastern and southern African countries. Health Res Policy Sys 19, 132 (2021).
Mijumbi-Deve R, Parkhurst J, Jones C, Juma P, Sobngwi-Tambekou, J & Wenham C. (2021) Beyond the metrics of health research performance in African countries BMJ Global Health 2021;6:e006019.
Morgan R, Baker P, Griffith D, Klein S., Logie C, Mwiine A, Scheim A, Shapiro J, Smith J Wenham C, White A. 2021. Beyond a Zero-Sum Game: How Does the Impact of COVID-19 Vary by Gender? Frontiers in Sociology 6:126 10.3389/fsoc.2021.650729
Krieger, M. Wenham, C. Pimenta, DN. Nkya, T., Schall, B., Nunes, AC., De Menezes, A & Lotta G (2021) How do community health workers institutionalise: An analysis of Brazil’s CHW programme, Global Public Health
Takemoto M. McKay G Gbomosa C, , , Tengbeh AF, Amorim M, Wenham C, 2021 How can countries create outbreak response policies that are sensitive to maternal-health?, BMJ 373 n 1271:
Pimenta, DN., Wenham, C., Rocha, MC., Schall, B., Bonan, C., Mendes, C, Nascimento, M, Lotta, G., Tamaki, ER., Porto, P. (2021) Leituras de Genero sobre a COVID-19 no Brasil, in. Matta, GC., Rego, S., Souto, EP, Segata, J (Eds) Os Impactos Sociais da COVID-19 no Brasil, populacoies vulnerabilizadas e repostas a pandemia. Fiocruz
Sobngwi-Tambekou, J. L., Jones, C., Wenham, C., Ratsimbason, M., Ratsimbazafy, M. R., Andriamizarasoa, F. A., ... & Parkhurst, J. (2021). La recherche pour la santé à Madagascar: état des lieux, défis et perspectives. Pan African Medical Journal.39; 36;
Lui, I.D., Vandan, N., Davies, S.E., Harman, S., Morgan, R., Smith, J., Wenham, C. and Grépin, K.A., (2021). “We also deserve help during the pandemic”: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong. Journal of Migration and Health, p.100037.
Wenham, C., Kavanagh, M., Phelan, A., Rushton, S., Voss, M., Halabi, S., ... & Pillinger, M. (2021). Problematic traffic light approaches to public health emergencies of international concern (PHEICs). Lancet.
Wenham, C & Herten-Crabb, A (2021), Why we need a gender advisor on SAGE, LSE Public Policy Review, 1(4), p.7.
Wenham, C & Davies, S., (2021) Gender failures during global health emergencies: WHO runs the world? International Feminist Journal of Politics
Woskie, L & Wenham C. (2021) Do men and women lockdown differenty: An Examination of Panama’s COVID-19 Sex-Segregated Social Distancing Policy, Feminist Economics, 27:1-2, 327-344
Leone, T., Coast, E., Correa, S., & Wenham, C. (2021). Web-based searching for abortion information during health emergencies: a case study of Brazil during the 2015/16 Zika outbreak. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. 29.1 (2021): 1883804.
Smith J, Davies S, Feng H, Gan C, Grépin K, Harman S, Herten-Crabb A, Morgan R, Vandan N, & Wenham C. (2021) More than a public health crisis: a feminist political economy analysis of COVID-19. Global Public Health.
Wenham, C., Abagaro, C, Arevalo, A, Coast, E., Correa, S., Cuellar, K., Leone, T., Valongueiro, S., (2021) Analysing the intersection between health emergencies and abortion during Zika in Brazil, El Salvador and Colombia. Social Science & Medicine, 270 (Feb 2021). 113671.
Al-Rawi, A., Siddiqi, M., Morgan, R., Vandan, N., Smith, J., & Wenham, C. (2020). COVID-19 and the gendered use of emojis on Twitter: infodemiology study. Journal of medical Internet research, 22(11), e21646.
Davies, S., & Wenham, C. (2020) Why COVID-19 needs international relations. International Affairs. 96:5 pp1227–1251
Wenham, C & Kittelsen, S, (2020) Cuba y seguridad sanitaria mundial: Cuba's role in global health security. BMJ Global Health 2020:5: e002227
Wenham C, Nunes J, Correa Matta G, de Oliveira Nogueira C, Aparecida Valente P, Pimenta DN. (2020), Gender mainstreaming as a pathway for sustainable arbovirus control in Latin America. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases; 14: 2, e0007954.
Brim, B & Wenham, C, (2019), Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility: struggling to deliver on its innovative promise, BMJ, 367:15719
Wenham, C, (2019), The Oversecuritization of Global Health: Changing the terms of debate, International Affairs, 95: 5, pp 1093-1110
Wenham, C & Farias, D.B.L, (2019) Securitizing Zika: The Case of Brazil, Security Dialogue, 50: 5, pp 398-415
Wenham, C, Arevalo, A, Coast, E., Correa, S., Cuellar, K., Leone, T., Valongueiro, S., (2019) Zika, abortion and health emergencies: a review of contemporary debates, Globalization and Health, 15; 49
Davies, S. E., Harman, S., Manjoo, R., Tanyag, M., & Wenham, C. (2019). Why it must be a feminist global health agenda. The Lancet, 393(10171), 601-603.
Wenham, C., Katz, R., Birungi, C., Boden, L., Eccleston-Turner, M., Gostin, L., ... & Kapilashrami, A. (2019). Global health security and universal health coverage: from a marriage of convenience to a strategic, effective partnership. BMJ Global Health, 4(1), e001145.
Wenham, C. (2018). Regionalizing Health Security: Thailand's Leadership Ambitions in Mainland Southeast Asian Disease Control. Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs, 40(1), 126-151.
Kucharski, A, Wenham, C, Eames, K., Conlan A., (2018) Structure and consistency of self-reported social contact networks in secondary schools, PLOS ONE.
Harman, S., & Wenham, C. (2018). Governing Ebola: between global health and medical humanitarianism. Globalizations, 15(3), 362-376.
Wenham, C., Gray, E. R., Keane, C. E., Donati, M., Paolotti, D., Pebody, R., ... & Edmunds, W. J. (2018). Self-Swabbing for Virological Confirmation of Influenza-Like Illness Among an Internet-Based Cohort in the UK During the 2014-2015 Flu Season: Pilot Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(3).
Wenham, C. (2017). What we have learnt about the World Health Organization from the Ebola outbreak. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 372(1721), 20160307.
Rumbold, B., Wenham, C., & Wilson, J. (2017). Self-tests for influenza: an empirical ethics investigation. BMC Medical Ethics, 18(1), 33.
Wenham C, (2016), Ebola Respons-ibility: Moving from shared to multiple responsibilities, Third World Quarterly, Vol 37, No 3, pp.436-451
Wenham C, (2016), Digitalizing Disease Surveillance: The Global Safety Net, Global Health Governance, Fall 2016
Wenham C, (2015), GPHIN, GOARN, Gone? The Role of the World Health Organization in Global Disease Surveillance, Book Chapter in Davies S & Youde J eds. (2015) The Politics of Disease Surveillance, Ashgate Publishing
Wenham, C. Eccleston-Turner, M. (2022) Monkeypox as a PHEIC: implications for global health governance. The Lancet
Smith, J., Herten-Crabb, A., & Wenham, C. (2021). COVID-19 & feminist foreign policy: Canada’s comparative advantage. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 1-7.
Harman, S., Herten-Crabb, A., Morgan, R., Smith, J., & Wenham, C. (2021). COVID-19 vaccines and women's security. The Lancet, 397(10272), 357.
Lotta, G, Wenham, C, Nunes, J, Pimenta D (2020) Community Health Workers reveal COVID-19 disaster in Brazil, The Lancet, July 10, 2020
Wenham, C (2020) What’s the future of UK leadership in global health security post COVID-19?, IPPR Progressive Review, 27: 196-203.
Wenham, C, Smith, J, Davies S E, Feng, H, Grepin, K, Harman, S, Herten-Crabb, Morgan, R, (2020) Women are most affected by pandemics – lessons from past outbreaks, Nature, 593, 194-198
Wenham C, Morgan R, Smith, J, (2020) COVID-19: the gendered impacts of the outbreak, The Lancet, Volume 395, Issue 10227, 846 – 848
Wenham, C, Smith, J, Morgan, R, (2020) Covid-19 is an opportunity for gender equality within the workplace and at home, BMJ 2020: 369:m156
Kamradt-Scott, A., Harman, S., Wenham. C., Smith F., (2016) Civil-Military cooperation throughout Ebola: Helpful this time, but will it work again? The Lancet, Vol 387, No. 10014 pp104-5, 9th January 2016
Kamradt-Scott, A., Harman, S., Nunes, J., Roemer-Mahler, A., Wenham, C. et al (2015). WHO must remain a strong global health leader post Ebola. The Lancet, 285(9963), 111-111.
McNab, C., Torreele, E., Alakija, A., Aluso, A., Cárdenas, M., Crabb, B., ... Wenham C & Clark, H. (2024). Mpox: Neglect has led to a more dangerous virus now spreading across borders, harming and killing people. Leaders must take action to stop mpox now. PLOS Global Public Health, 4(10), e0003714.
Baker, P., Khan, M. S., & Wenham, C. (2024). How should the new government rebuild the UK’s reputation in global health?. bmj, 386.
Khan, M. S., Wenham, C., & Dar, O. A. (2024). UK’s evolving role in global health. bmj, 384.
Wenham, C., & Eccleston-Turner, M. (2024). Will the pandemic treaty make it over the line?. bmj, 384.
Wenham, C., Brand, T. L., Carlin, E. P., Donachie, D., Fèvre, S., Greve, L. C., ... & Welle, C. C. L. (2024). How can gender considerations be better integrated into animal health emergency preparedness and response?. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1(aop), 1-4.
Wenham C (2023) Creating more and more new institutions may not make the world safer from pandemics. PLOS Glob Public Health 3(5): e0001921.
Wenham C, Reisdorf R. Asthana S, Pandemic Treaty: A chance to level up on equity. BMJ Opinion BMJ2022;377:o1279 doi: 10.1136/bmj.o1279 Wenham C, McKee M, Burgess R A, Yamey G. Parties may lead to his downfall, but is this the worst of what Johnson has done? BMJ 2022; 376: 196:
Wenham C, Kavanagh M, Torres I, Yamey G. Preparing for the next pandemic. The recommendations of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response do not go far enough Ed. BMJ 2021; 373:n1295 doi:
Wenham C. Why vaccine passports are gendered. BMJ Opinion, 1st April 2021
Wenham C. What went wrong in the global governance of COVID-19? BMJ 2021:n303
Wenham C. 12 Days of Global Health: the global governance of pandemics. 7th December 2020
Wenham C et al Strengthening pandemic preparedness and response begins with answering the question: where are the women. BMJ Opinion 20th November 2020
Lotta G…Wenham C Who is responsible for Brazil’s COVID-19 catastrophe. LSE Latin American and Caribbean Centre Blog, 13th November 2020
Wenham C If the UK wants to lead in global health, it must demonstrate a commitment to international laws which underpin global governance. BMJ Opinion. 7th October 2020
Wenham C. A distraction from the biggest public health challenge we have faced in a century: six problems with scrapping PHE. LSE British Politics and Policy Blog. 28th August 2020
Wenham C We should strengthen existing institutions rather than create a new insternatioanl body for virus surveillance. BMJ Opinion. 21st July 2020
Haque, Z., Harman, S. Wenham, C, If we do not address structural racism, more black and minority ethnic lives will be lost, BMJ Opinion, 8th June 2020
Wenham, C Women have been largely ignored in the COVID-19 response. This must change, LSE COVID-19 Blog, 12th May 2020
Arevalo, A & Wenham, C, COVID-19 in El Salvador: safeguarding public health or restricting Human Rights: LSE Latin American and Caribbean Centre Blog, 13th April 2020
Wenham, C, Lotta, G, Pimenta, D, Mosquitoes and COVID-19 are a ticking time bomb for Latin America, LSE Latin American and Caribbean Centre Blog, 1st April 2020
Wenham, C, Coast, E. Footman, K., Leone, T., Nandagiri, R., Strong, J Abortion and COVID-19: why we need to support women’s right to abortion in health emergencies, LSE British Politics and Policy Blog,27th January 2020
Wenham C, Roberts, S., Mossialos, E., Is reporting of coronavirus producing viral panic? BMJ Opinion, 31st January 2020
Wenham, C and Kittelsen, S, Cuban healthcare offers many lessons for Global Health Security, LSE Latin American and Caribbean Centre Blog, 27th Febraury 2019
Wenham, C & Edmunds, J., (2015) How effective is this year’s flu vaccine? BLJ Blog, March 26th 2015